Special Education Programs

The Special Education Department strives to improve the success of students with exceptionalities.  This is accomplished through advocacy, commitment, and professional development.  We provide a fully inclusive, supportive for students with IEPs.  Our inclusion classrooms are equipped with both a lead teacher and an Education Specialist, or Teaching Assistant, ensuring lower student-teacher ratio, and additional support that is provided to students with identified disabilities. We also consult with staff and support teachers in developing accommodations to their instructional programs, while collaborating with deans and administrators to monitor and resolve discipline issues, and communicate regularly with families to maintain strong relationships for students whose unique needs require adjustments to traditional academic programs in order to be successful.  We have a staff of School Psychologists, Academic counselors, Education Specialists, Inclusion Coordinators, Speech Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Teaching Assistants to support this work.

If you have any questions regarding Special Education, please contact Judy Jackson at jjackson@sthopepublicschools.org or (916) 649-7763, and she will direct you to the appropriate individual to assist you.